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BATTERY PACKS since 2016

SOLDERLESS Assembly Patent
Developped since 2015, patented in 2016, PYMCO Technologies assembly concept comes as a revolution in battery pack assembly.
Departing from the obsolete and ubiquitous welded technology, PYMCO concept is based on a solderless constant pressure contact that ensures a mechanical, electrical and thermal coupling between all the cells of a battery pack.

While cell welding makes for a permanent and definitive assembly, PYMCO concept offers the possibility to disassemble and reassemble the pack at any moment of its life.
This advantage allow us to repair batteries that would have otherwise been discarded and collect old battery cells to:
- Send them for recycling in an intact physical condition.
- Send them for second life (stationary, low power etc..)
- Replace them by brand new cells giving the pack its original or upgraded capacity and performance level for a fraction of the pack cost.
PYMCO Concept is extremely efficient and performant giving best-in-class :
- Power management
- Thermal management
- Mechanical strength
The electrical contact ensured by constant pressure allow for currents up to 50A per cell and 1500A at the pack level (virtually unlimited).
PCB strong dielectric characteristics allow for ultra-high voltages setups, up to 1500 V.
The mechanical contact between the cells and the assembly ensures a strong metal to metal coupling from the cell to cooling surface giving strong benefits :
- Very low thermal gradient : cell temperatures are perfectly balanced and avoid the need for a dielectric liquid internal bath and all the associated problem (leaks, cost, weight etc.)
- Easy heat extraction and transfer to any active or passive cooling method (Heatsink, thermal mass, cold plates).

1V to 1500V
up to 1500A
5 Wh to 1000 kWh
PYMCO Battery packs are adapted to every use-case, size, geometry and environment always offering an adapted and cost-effective solution :
- From Micro-Mobility to Automotive, off-highway, special applications and racing applications
- From prototypes to industrial volumes

Leveraging the PCB industry strength and commoditization, PYMCO packs are highly-scalable and supply-chain secured
The fast and very simple assembly steps allow quick time to start-of-production with minimal equipment all the while keeping the exact same product than on a fully automatised assembly line.
To integrate and secure a safe supply chain, PYMCO technogies offers highly-flexible production scenarii including:
- Multiple sources on cell supply
- Multiple sources on pack assembly components
- Multiple assembly locations including partial or complete under-license vertical integration at the customer's facilities.


The natural mechanical rigidity of PYMCO's battery packs enables the most complex and custom geometries where other technologies cannot.
To ensure the highest safety level we integrate our proprietary BMS solution integrating state-of-the-art safety monitoring and algorithms as well as multi points temperature control at the cell level.
Along our battery packs, we also offer tailor-made interfaces integrating options such as :
- Power management
- "Hot swap" multi-pack coupling
- Wifi / Bluetooth / 3G / 4G up and down-link
- Integrated DC-DC for 12-32V output
- Pre-load management
- Custom analog interfaces
- CANbus / RS485 / EtherCat communication