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INDustrial Series

The IND series is a fully repairable 1kWh industrial modular battery product made for AGV, robotics, autonomous lightning, floor cleaning machine, advertising equipment, communications equipment,  ...

This battery packs with a 1kWh base capacity can be configured from 5V to 80V and from 1 to 4kWh to meet your requirements. It's specifically designed to power any warehouse automation equipment or any outdoor autonomous device.

Key features of the IND series include a compact and easily integrable design, IP4x to IP68 rating, wireless communication with optionnal predictive maintenance tools and a high level of repairability / maintainability thanks to PYMCO's "CELLSWAPP" non-soldering assembly technology.

The IND series is also suitable for various industrial applications, including ligh robotics and stationary applications.



- Weight: 5kg

- IP54 waterproofness casing rating (customizable)

- Industrial power connector (customizable) 


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- Voltage : 22Vdc (6S) nominal ; customizable from 5 to 80V

- Capacity : 50Ah (1kWh) (can be serialized or parallelized)

- Power : 1kW continous

- UN38.3 & IEC62133 certified 


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